Angel Family

Client Info: This is a 4-year-old boy who was born at 32 weeks with gastroschisis (his organs were outside of his body) and global brain damage. As a baby, he repeatedly failed hearing tests and was unable to nurse without aspirating (milk would go into his lungs). He soon received a trach and g-button and spent another 4 months in the hospital before finally going home with his family. Since being released a little over 4 years ago,  he has been readmitted several times for rhinovirus, tracheitis, GI issues, and seizures. His family has had to move several times in order to keep this baby near doctors, hospitals, and therapies, but this isn’t getting them down. This sweet mom and teenage son adores this little boy and are in awe of how strong his fighting spirit is. This 4-year-old’s mom says he loves flirting with the ladies, riding in the car, and living life to the fullest! His teenage brother is very protective of him and, because of moving recently to be closer to his brother’s doctors, has had a hard time making new friends. Life has thrown this family some curve balls and we love that we get the chance to take some holiday stress off of them this Christmas via Calling All Angels.

Client’s diagnoses/description of care: J-Tube (allow food to be fed directly into his tummy), a trach and vent (allow air to travel directly into his lungs via a port in his neck), and uses a CPT vest (breaks up congestion causing mucus in his lungs). 

Client’s Clothing Information:

Shirt Size: 5/6T

Pant Size: 5/6T

Shoe Size: does not wear shoes

Client’s Favorite Colors: anything bright!

Client’s Wish List: an iPad or tablet with multiple chargers, Disney movies, giraffes, elephants, wooden table with sensory boxes that are low to the ground, sensory toys, chewable toys, coloring books with colors, pjs to grow into, socks, craft supplies


Sibling Information:

Age: 14

Gender: Boy

Shirt Size: Medium

Pant Size: 28/30 or 30/30

Shoe Size: 12

Favorite colors: black and white

Wish List: tennis shoes, active wear, anything football or basketball, hoodies, pj pants, fighting games, an oculus, socks, gift cards for gaming


Household Necessities:

Crockpot with timer, coffee supplies and coffee (loves Caramel Coconut Coffee from HEB!)


Mom Information:

Shirt Size: XL (hoodies and t-shirts)

Pant Size: 18 (Jeans)

Shoe Size: 8.5 W (tennis shoes)

Wish List: Needs a laptop for school (hers is on it’s last leg), socks


Please help the Angel Family any way you can – all of your donations are greatly appreciated! Click here to make an ONLINE donation to the Angel family now!